Pricing & Plans

Standard Subscription


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($79/mo billed annually)

Unlimited downloads featuring hundreds of images, graphics and videos.

New content added monthly


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Parishes & Schools


per month
(With annual commitment)

Unlimited downloads featuring hundreds of images, graphics and videos.

New content added monthly


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Special pricing for parishes and parochial schools with all the features of a standard subscription—available only with annual billing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these royalty free?

Yes, all licenses are royalty free and you’re free to use them in perpetuity after licensing from CatholicStock.

What does "editorial only" mean?

Some images and videos are marked “editorial only.” This means that they may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Examples of permitted usage: news, commentary, textbooks, documentaries, and other non-commercial/educational films.

I already have a stock subscription to somewhere else. Why do I need CatholicStock?

CatholicStock was built as a specialized stock platform with exclusively Catholic content. This means we have things that other stock sites don't, and labeled in ways others don't. We know what a chasuble is, a thurible, a monstrance. It's a platform built for Catholics by Catholics, and works as a great supplement to whatever you have.

Who is behind CatholicStock?

CatholicStock's team is built from faithful Catholics who have been working in the industry and in the Church for close to a decade. We are web designers, video producers, artists, and marketers who built the tool we wanted for the Church.

Where does my money go?

When you sign up for CatholicStock, you're supporting Catholic artists. Your subscription goes to maintaining the site and getting new content, and royalties are also shared with the Catholic artists who contribute their work to our platform. We also share a portion of our profits with Catholic Creatives, a group dedicated to preserving and promoting artists in the Church.

Is it really unlimited?

Yes! Once you have an account you can download as much as you need, and can use it on whatever projects you want as long as you have an active subscription.

How often is new content added?

We add content on a rolling basis as we produce it or receive it from contributors. That means there's new stuff each week, with an average around 200 new items each month, all included with your subscription.

What kind of content do you have?

We have three main types of content, with hundreds of unique items in each category: Videos, Images (photos & sacred art), Vector Illustrations.

I have to report all of my expenses to my financial department. Is there an easy way to get receipts?

Yes, any time your card on file is charged, you'll automatically receive a PDF receipt at the email associated with your account.

Who is CatholicStock good for?

CatholicStock is a great solution for anyone producing material for the Church. Our customers include dioceses, apostolates, schools, parishes, ministries, religious orders, and creative agencies (to name a few!).

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